The latest Membership Acceptance Criteria are in force since 14th November 2016.
The following documents are attached:
Membership Acceptance Criteria:
CAA Membership Acceptance Criteria – November 2016 final.pdf
Appendix A – IAA Syllabus:
Appendix A –IAA Syllabus.pdf
Appendix B – Foundation Mathematics:
Appendix B – Foundation Mathematics.pdf
The new CPD Scheme is attached as well as a tool for recording your CPD entries.
The new CPD Scheme is mandatory for all Fellow and Associate level members and will be running on a 2-year rolling period starting from 1st July 2016. Partially regulated members of the Institute of Actuaries, UK who are obliged to follow their local Association’s CPD Scheme can adopt the Scheme on a voluntary basis as from 1st July 2015.
Further guidance regarding the submission of CPD records and disciplinary scheme associated with non-compliance with the new CPD requirements will be issued.
CPD Scheme:
CAA CPD Continuing Professional Development Rules – Final Approved.pdf
CPD Recording Template:
CAA CPD Template Final Approved.xlsx