There are three types of membership to the CAA: Student, Associate & Fellow. Classification to different membership levels depens on educational and professional history of the member and is explicitly mentioned in the constitution of the CAA which can be found here.
To apply for membership to the CAA please complete the Application Form attaching all relevant documents and the application fee remittance (75 Euros) payable to “Cyprus Association of Actuaries”. You can then forward these to:
Cyprus Association of Actuaries
New Members and Accreditation
P.O.Box 23533
1684 Nicosia
As soon as your application is received, the Admissions Committee of the Association will review the application and their decision will be discussed on the following Council meeting for approval.
In case the application is accepted, you will be informed of the result and need to submit the appropriate amount for the annual membership fees based on your status (Student/ Associate/ Fellow).
A Committee member will contact you in case further information is required.